Revamp your home for 2019

Altin Homes

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This January, we want to encourage you to make simple choices that can effortlessly alter your living space. It’s easy to promise lots of drastic changes in January, and even easier to forget them. So we’re proposing three manageable ideas that you can truly benefit from – and stick to.

Declutter your home

If, along with us and half of the UK, you’re hooked on the new Netflix show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, you may already be attempting to organise your home. However, if you are yet to binge-watch this brilliant show, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are Marie’s top tips for decluttering a home using her tried-and-tested KonMari method:

  • You have to get messier before you get tidier. Start by taking your clothes and putting them into one big pile. There’s no going back now, so begin sorting.
  • Stop hoarding! Marie teaches that you should consider items individually and see how they make you feel. If you love the item or it ‘sparks joy’ then keep it. If not, say goodbye.
  • Always tidy in order. It can be overwhelming to declutter multiple areas of your home at once. Stick to Marie’s process to make things more manageable. Start with clothes, then move onto books, documents, miscellaneous items and mementos.

Be brave and bold

Commit to having more courage in your design choices this year. Have you been deliberating over a wacky wallpaper or a funky furniture piece but haven’t yet taken that leap of faith? We think you should go for it – it rarely pays off to live timidly!  

There are plenty of adventurous interior design trends this year to inspire you:

  • Bold striking colours are increasing in popularity. Think rich, jewel tones such as indigo or emerald green. Consider these colours for a standout feature wall in your bedroom or coordinate with cushions, throws or ornaments for a more straightforward approach.
  • Bohemian vibes are making a comeback in 2019, embracing lots of layering and patterned fabrics. Introduce an eclectic selection of objects and accessories to your living room to achieve this look. Layer throws and cushions over your furniture and display personal treasures and fibre art on your walls.
  • Inspired by spas, statement black bathrooms can add opulence to any home. These daring, sultry designs evoke an indulgent high-end experience that few people dare to embrace. Why not take the plunge?

Introduce nature into your home

Filling a home with greenery was a growing trend in 2018 and we still love this look, so we want to take it even further.

Biophilia, a concept that emphasises the relationship between people and nature, is set to be a popular design driver in 2019. It works particularly well in lounges and dining rooms because it can help to fosters interaction, reduce stress and improve wellbeing. And it’s incredibly simple to incorporate into your decor:

  • Natural, organic materials such as wood and stone can work fantastically for any new design projects that you’re planning.
  • Adding plants and flowers into rooms is a quick and effective way to embrace biophilia without the commitment and time constraints of redecoration.
  • Where access to nature is not possible, representations in art, wallpapers and fabrics can provide some of the relaxing benefits.

Whether you’re looking to make subtle or bold changes this January, our top tips are a great starting point.

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